Dear Members of the Diocese of Florida and the Episcopal Church,
Since my initial letter to you in May, I have continued to listen and have conversations with individuals across our Diocese and Church to build important relationships, openly discuss and alleviate concerns and begin our relationship free of misunderstanding.
In an effort to continue down that path, I wanted to take time to respond to the concerns recently raised by the LGBTQ+ Caucus to the 80th General Convention as well as share more context with you and our broader community. I have done so in the video below. Additionally, several faith leaders and ministry partners from Sanford, Florida have shared testimony of our relationship and times together, which you may view below the video. I hope both of these materials provide you with more clarity and context about my position on these important topics. If you have further questions, please contact me any time at [email protected] and I’ll be happy to arrange a conversation.

I am faithfully yours in Christ Jesus our Lord,
The Reverend Charlie Holt Bishop Coadjutor Elect, Diocese of Florida
Charlie, your message of love and humility and unity was such a blessing to watch. Thank you for taking the time to do so, and I pray that it is received in the spirit with which it was intended.
I have formerly taken political and strong views socially that backed up my Biblical beliefs, but I realize in retrospect that in my zeal to bludgeon others with the truth, that I missed the point of being loving and kind. Its so nice to hear that you have embraced loving kindness and unity, but are not compromising your own valid Biblical views and doctrines. Your message was a lesson to me on how to be humble, inclusive and gracious while speaking truth. Some of my social views have softened a bit from younger days, partially because of mistakes that I’ve made that have cast me in the role of a social pariah, so now I better understand grace, humility, and love.
I pray God’s blessing on you and your ministry. I pray that the enemy’s voice would be silenced, and that God will be glorified by your words, your testimony, your service, and your life.