Choices! Choices!

Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Some speculate that the average person makes over 750,000 decisions a year. A recent Cornell study concluded that the average person makes 221 decisions a day just related to food! That is a lot of deciding! Who could know for sure what the real number is? Certainly every day, all day, we make decisions. Some are big, such as “Where should I live?”, or “Should I say yes to this marriage proposal?”, or “Should I sell my company?” Some decisions are small, “Should I go to Burger King or eat at home for lunch today?” Every decision we make be it big or small, is significant and life changing. Our capacity to make decisions is what gives us our significance. Jean-Paul Sartre the French existentialist philosopher wrote: “It is in our decisions that we are important.”

If choices do have a role in shaping our signifigance, wouldn’t it be important to make decisions that are correct? But how do you know what the right decision is in any giving situation?

In Romans chapter 12, the Apostle Paul talks about two forces that shape our choices in life. One is what Paul calls the “pattern of this world”. Like a chameleon, it is easy to conform having our choices in life to be shaped by the prevailing patterns around us. For example, we may make lifestyle choices on what kind of car to drive, or clothes to wear, or recreational activities to choose primarily because the worldly circles of influence shape us and encourage us to conform to their patterns. When we make decisions in accord with the patterns of the world we often subconsciously ask ourselves questions related to the opinions of other people and the values of the surrounding culture. It is the path of least resistance.

Another force that can shape our decisions is what Paul calls “the will of God”. In order to be in tune with the will of God we must intentionally devote ourselves to the renewal of our minds through Christian discipleship, Bible Study and prayer. While in some instances the will of God may be along the lines of a prevailing culture, more often than not God’s will for our lives runs counter to the prevailing culture. This way of life requires intentionality. By making decisions in keeping with the will of God, we may find our lives running contrary to the pattern of the world—hitting resistance. The dividends of a life transformed by the will of God are many! Paul describes God’s will as “good, pleasing and perfect”.

The evaluative question is this: which force forms the basis for your choices and decisions in life? Is it the conformational force of the pattern of the world? Or is it the transformational force of the will of God? With any given moment it could be one or the other. The apostle encourages us that in view of all of the wonderful things that God has mercifully done for us, we should offer our lives to his service. He writes, “Do not be conformed any longer to the pattern of the world but be transformed by the renewing of your minds then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is, his good pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:1-2

There are many ways to renew your mind: listening to sermons, meditation on God’s word in the Bible, having discussions with wise Christian friends, listening to Christian music, reading good Christian books. In order to make wise choices, the scriptures teach that we must be transformed from the inside out by the knowledge of God and his ways.

I hope and pray that as you go through this year that your 750,000 decisions (or however many there are) will be in keeping with God’s plan and desires for your life.

The Foolish Call of God

“Good is the enemy of great.” Consider the operative word of that phrase coined by Jim Collins in the opening sentence of his book Good to Great–enemy. Great leaders, by pursuing greatness for their organization, business, church, can become the fall guys for the very organization they love and are seeking to reform.

On a deeper level, God works all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose–true greatness from God’s perspective does not always equal success in the worldly point of view.

In order to reform any organization, whether you are talking about a church or a business, the reformer must have a steel will to persevere.In my circles, it is called faith–faith to see what should be and have the perseverance to see it realized in the face of opposition. But not every effort to reform is met with welcome arms.

The reformer will learn the meaning of sabotage and pain. Sometimes the forces that the reformer is seeking to change are more powerful (at least from a worldly point of view) than the reformer himself.

We live in a world of human systems, whether we are talking about a family, business, government, or a congregation. Humans organize and develop systemic patterns within human relationships. These systems of relationships can be healthy and great or they can be sick and dysfunctional.

The reformers high calling is to take sick human systems and make them healthy and highly functional. When it works, nothing is more rewarding or more fulfilling, not only for the reformer, but also for he many people liberated and enriched by the reforms. When a human system is unhealthy, broken, and mired in mediocrity, there is usually a reason.

Human sin and corruption are often present at the heart of the matter. It does not take long for a corrupted system to either seek to corrupt its reformer, or, if not possible, to eliminate him. This is why the work of reform is not for the faint in heart. It requires courage and will.

Recently I read a book called The Shack that is about a personal reform project of the life of one man. In a very perceptive and profound reaction, the God character in the book, Papa, reflects on corruption in human systems within creation:

“Creation has been taken down a very different path than we desired. In your world the value of the individual is constantly weighed against the survival of the system, whether political, economic, social, or religious–any system actually. First one person, and then a few, and finally many are easily sacrificed for the good and the ongoing existence of that system. In one form or another, this lies behind every struggle for power, every prejudice, every war, and every abuse of relationship. The ‘will to power and independence’ has become so ubiquitous that it is now considered normal.”

The history of the people of God is littered with the martyrdom of great men and women who saw a better future for their people or human systems under their concern and yet found themselves thrown under the bus by the very people they were seeking to help.

One such Biblical figure was the first deacon of the Church, Stephen. He asked the people who were stoning him, “Which of the prophets did you not stone?”

Thank God there are people of integrity who take a stand for what is right and doing the right thing in every sphere of our society. Such people are the great lights of our race. Unfortunately, history betrays and reveals our true nature with respect to such heroes of the faith and reformers of society; far too often they are deeply wounded and often destroyed by the human systems they have ordained to reform.

In order to reform mediocrity, one must be willing to stand with a stern will; but even the strongest of wills cannot carry a body through the fires of persecution or the assassin’s bullet. Sometimes in this “world of devils filled”, evil seems to triumph over good.

Alas it doesn’t always work. Sometimes the forces to remain the same break the reformer. Which of the prophets did you not stone?

One could ask whether living as such a person is worth the personal sacrifice and whether it makes any difference.On one level, the answer is “no”. The systems of the world have been and will continue to be corrupt.

From another perspective, the answer is a resounding “yes”. We never see the big picture. We never see how God will use our efforts to accomplish his purposes.

While from one side we may not accomplish “success” our brokenness may serve to further God’s plan in some unknown way. This has been the history of redemption through the ages.

We may never know who will be inspired by our stand for what is right, but we should always know that we are always being watched by those around us.We should never underestimate the power of the leader who is upright and walks with integrity to inspire others to the same.

In Christian terms this is called our witness. Are we willing to make our witness to truth, to patriotism, to good business practices, to greatness…but most importantly are we willing to make our witness to Jesus Christ?

The witness of any one reformer is costly in ways that no other person will ever fully be able to relate, financially, relationally, physically and spiritually. And no one can dictate for another the manner of their sacrifice. A witness is free to lay down his life and take it up again of his own volition.

That does not mean that the witness goes unnoticed. For those of us who have journeyed along side the prophet through his trials and faithfulness are encouraged in the heart. The witness does not go unnoticed by those who are opposition and may even be responsible for his trouble. But especially the witness of the faithful reformer does not go unnoticed by God.

Whatever the worldly outcome, the Lord knows the attitudes of our heart and he sees in secret. He will reward those who earnestly seek him.

Vindication in this life for the right is a fleeting thing; even if it comes it ultimately is unsatisfying and inadequate. Vindication is mine says the Lord. He will repay.

There is comfort in that. It enables the victim of injustice to move on with life with peace and grace, to even be praying for the enemies who persecute, even remaining in relationship with them showing them the grace, truth, goodness and love of God. This unusual behavior is the unique mark of the Christian Life, it is the mark of a disciple who has picked up his cross and followed Jesus.

The world will never understand such a way of being human, enemies who receive the grace of those whom they have persecuted often perceive it in negative terms “heaping of burning coals”. Yet this truly is how the world is changed and redeemed for God.

The Lord is pleased to use us most powerfully; not in our successes, but in our failures; not in our victories and vindications, but through our persecutions and losses.

The Cross lies at the heart of God’s salvation to the corrupt problems of the World.

Is There More to Life than This?

Life can be filled with mundane distractions, busyness, tough times and conflicts. We get worn down. The resurrection of Jesus announces to us that “what is”, is not “what will be”. There IS more to life than this.

Jesus is an enigma. God in the flesh is difficult to understand in and of itself. But more mysterious to us is that
God as man would die on a cross in order to declare us forgiven. How could something so horrible become the way of God’s salvation for everyone who calls upon the name of Jesus? His resurrection from the dead reveals the mystery of abundant life for all who believe in Him.

As an adolescent, I used to think it was arrogant of Christians to say that Jesus is the only way. I remember, I was once asked by one of my zealous high school friends whether I was “saved” and I flippantly responded, “I do not need to be saved!”

As I have gotten older, I realize that I was the arrogant one and that my friend was a true friend offering me a very precious gift. As I moved through college, I realized that not only is life hard, but that my life was a big mess of my own making. I needed direction on how to be a better person, but more importantly I needed forgiveness for my sins, I needed a Lord and a Savior. I needed the salvation that is only offered in God’s Son, Jesus Christ.

Fortunately, in my case, the servants of God are strategically placed in our lives. They are always ready to give a reason for the hope they have in Jesus Christ. In my darkest moments, God again sent a good friend to share the good news of God in Jesus Christ, only this time I was humble enough to hear it.

The day I gave my life to Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I became a changed person. I memorized a verse from the Bible; 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” What Jesus gives everyone who believes in Him is a new start. That message is at the heart of Good Friday and Easter. With the death and resurrection of Jesus, the old is gone, the new is here!

As you read this I wonder if you need a new start? The promise is offered to you. Jesus desires to make you a new creation. As you hear that you may respond the way I once did, “I don’t need a new start. I don’t need to be saved!” I understand. I have been there too. Some day though you may change your mind and when you are ready, the offer of God’s good news will still be there.

But if you do want to receive the Gift of God, then call out to Jesus Christ. He promises that for whoever knocks, the door will be opened; whoever seeks, will find; whoever asks will be given. God is good and He knows how to give good gifts to His children who ask. The greatest gift is his own son, whom we celebrate this Easter season. Give your life to him!

“I Can’t Get No Satisfaction’

by Brooke Holt

from Brooke’s Blog: “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction”

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and
have it abundantly.” –John 10:10
I grew up on Mick Jaggar’s words in his song “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction”. Mick didn’t seem to experience satisfaction in life so why could I expect to? He was the famous one living a life of fame, wealth and privilege. If his life was lacking, how could I expect more for myself?These words ring true for far too many of us today. We live surviving, and we think that is the way it is supposed to be. I believe that Jesus’ words in John 10:10 say something else. Jesus came to bring us life–abundant life.

Does abundance equal satisfaction? What I have found for myself and for the many women with whom I have worked over the years is that we have holes in our hearts. Blaise Pascal called these holes “God shaped vacuums”. In our desperation to find meaning in life, purpose, peace, we seek to fill these holes or vacuums. It is like the young child trying to fit that piece in the puzzle. She tries each and every piece except the one that fits.

That certainly has been the story of my life. I have tried to fill my “God shaped vacuum” with everything: performance, money, success, a husband, children, food, alcohol, shopping, affirmation. Sadly, the list could go on for days. Like the frustrated child, I have found that while those things brought a temporary fit or filling, they never truly filled the void. The puzzle piece just wouldn’t stay; it didn’t look right and it definitely didn’t feel right. My hole was still there. My hole hurt!

When I look back to the passage in John, Jesus had been teaching about the sheep and the good shepherd (John 10:11). I understand that there are many things and people in life who make promises. These things or people try to fill the vacuum, but they fall short. Instead of satisfying, they rob me of peace and purpose. These are the thieves. The thieves are different in each person’s life. Now, I understand why “I can’t get no satisfaction” — I am not looking to the true shepherd!

The call of Jesus is to follow the true shepherd. He is the true shepherd. He is the answer to our God-shaped vacuum. The path to abundance is one of trust, surrender and faith. When I follow the Good Shepherd, life may not always be easy, but it is full, full of God’s promises, provision and His wonderful plans of redemption and purpose. It is in His plan that I find the satisfaction, the abundance that I seek. It is here that I learn to thrive instead of survive.

What Defines You?

By Brooke Holt

From Brooke’s Blog: What Defines You?

The great debate began for me the day before our half marathon – wear the Garmin watch or not. Part of me wanted to run free, free of numbers, times, distances. Part of me wanted to make sure that I was running smart, and the other part of me wanted to make sure that I was running fast. I had a goal time. In order to reach that goal, I had to maintain a certain pace. Minutes before walking out to the race, I put on the Garmin. Freedom is not something I am especially good at; that morning, freedom was too risky!

Throughout the race, I was delighted by the awesome scenery and the supportive crowds cheering us on. The crowds’ cheers made me feel like a champion. Despite that, I found myself constantly looking down at that Garmin watch to see if I was performing up to my standard. Most of the race, I was disappointed in my pace realizing that I was not on track to meet my goal. Occasionally, I was pleased with myself feeling like I was measuring up, but that never lasted long as I saw my goal become more and more unattainable.

In the Donna marathon and half marathon, the last bridge is the final great hurdle. As you run, it feels like you are headed up forever. I was struggling, struggling not just to keep pace but struggling to keep going. In the midst of that struggle, I kept looking at the Garmin. At this point, I knew that I wouldn’t reach my race goal. Knowing that, how did I press on with the race? Everything within me said you failed. Walk. Quit. This hurts too much. You didn’t make the goal so why continue the torture of this climb. There was a silent battle going on inside of my mind.

In the midst of that silent battle, God asked me a question: “What defines you?” Does this race define you? If you make the goal, are you then good enough? I wrestled with this question and began doing some soul searching of the many ways I have defined myself: athlete, coach, mother, wife. The list can go on and on as I have sought to prove my worth as a person through my performance. On that bridge, God asked if I could let Him define me. God asked if I could take my goals and entrust them to Him. He had the audacity to even ask for my race. Struggling, I had no other option but to give it to Him.

That decision to give God the race was the highlight of my run. God came alongside of me and assured me that I had met the goal, His goal, for my race. He was able and willing to define me. Fortunately, His definition was so much greater than my goal time. I was flooded with peace. My bodily challenge did not go away. The bridge remained and there was still another mile to run once that bridge was crossed. But, I ran differently. I didn’t look at the Garmin anymore. I kept talking to my daddy, the one who chose me, loved me and defined me.

A man had been running in front of me just within my view for many miles. On the back of his shirt was the sign of the Christian fish with the cross in it. The top of the shirt posed the question: “Why do you run?” I smiled and told God that I run because I can feel His presence when I do. It is a gift, and I am called to run with freedom and joy in the race that is set before me.

Our training group had just concluded a Bible study on Ephesians the day before the race. As I looked back on that book of the Bible, I read chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 with new understanding:

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

All I am and all I have is a gift from God. Whether I meet my half marathon goal of not, I am still “his workmanship” or as the New Living translation writes, “his masterpiece”. What an amazing way to have God describe me! When I talked to my children about what this means, each had wonderful thoughts to share. My youngest child, Saxon, had a great insight at the end of our conversation: “Mom, we are awesomely made!” My heart swelled. Saxon got it. We are awesomely made and we are awesomely loved.

Now, if I can live as if that were true. No race should define me. My appearance does not define me. My performance does not define me. All the good things in my life do not define me. God defines me. He is the Creator; He is the King. That Creator and King decided to call me his daughter. In fact, I am His masterpiece–awesomely made!